b j a r e d . c o m

- A portfolio of the multi-talented, Brian Jared


This is the on-line portfolio for Brian Jared. Brian has such a broad range of skills that he felt it was important to gather a few things to showcase his abilities that would otherwise be impossible to display in his résumé. While Brian is a very adept administrator, he's also a very passionate programmer. At this time (July, 2011) Brian is simply looking for a change. He has always wanted to be in the video game industry, and is willing to stay within the realm of IT if it means working for the perfect video game company. Otherwise, Brian is on a path to switch his career to development. He is currently working on iOS programming with Cocoa Touch, and he has future plans of doing something with OpenGL on the Apple devices.

If you are in the video game industry, or have programming needs that you believe Brian can fulfill, feel free to e-mail him at the e-mail address listed in his résumé.

What to Expect Here

You'll notice some recent items that work well, and some older items that need a little TLC to execute properly on modern systems. Each item will have a description on what platform it was designed for, and when it was last worked on, and whether you should expect it to run with minimal intervention. There's a Windows XP game, a networked, OpenGL game that was developed on Solaris and IRIX systems, Python scripts, Perl scripts, and even some web products.

If you are dying to try one of these programs, and you feel it is becoming more involved than you were led you to believe, feel free to drop Brian a message, and he'll try to help you out with whatever it is you're trying to run from this site. Your mileage may vary, but then again some of you probably have the skills necessary to get some of these things to work!

My Indulgences

Minecraft Final Fantasy XIV Blender GIMP Unity XKCD Slashdot Slickdeals Woot.com